Friday 28 April 2017

"Be Yourself"

Being yourself is not a crime. It is the biggest challenge in a world where everyone is trying to change themselves for being someone else. What's wrong with you people ? Why do you always pretend to be someone you're not ? I know why! Because you don't know or you actually didn't realized yet that how super amazing you are.

Maybe because you see someone more prettier than you and then you get insecure. Maybe because you see someone smarter than you and you wish to be like them. I know everyone of us has experienced something like that in our life. But you need to stop yourself from thinking like that. The truth is someone is always going to be prettier, someone is always going to be smarter but they will never ever be you. Because you are one of a kind. You just need some time to get over your insecurities.

Remember you are just a human, you have weaknesses, you make mistakes and you experience sadness, but you learn from all those things to make yourself a better person. Be bold enough to use your voice, be brave enough to listen to your heart, always say whatever you feel. It’s not being rude, it’s called being real. Let people like you for who you are and not for who they wants you to be. Let that person like you for your true self. What other people thinks of you is none of your business. Don’t be embarrassed by who you are. They’re going to judge you no matter what you do.
Live your life the way that you want to live it, don’t let other people live it for you. Always remember you are amazing just the way you are. Don’t let anyone change the way you are. Be strong enough to live the life you’ve always imagined.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

"Relationship with Life and Others"

It's a beautiful thing to have lungs that allow you to breathe air and legs that allow you to climb mountains, and it's a shame that sometimes you don't realize that that's enough.

Our happiness not only depends on the nicer aspects of life but also on our ability to make peace with disappointments. People often disappoint us, so does life. Making peace with disappointments does not mean we submit to whatever is wrong or unfair. It simply means we take responsibility and give our best to improve the situation, knowing that the outcome is not in our hands.
In the face of these disappointments, we learn how to look at whatever we feel is wrong as wrong and yet don't judge the people or life in general, if we can also appreciate the goodness, we can be fairly happy.

"Relationship with the Greater Self"

---Meaning of life

Lifhas no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. ― Joseph Campbell

Sometimes it is not obvious to us what will give our existence meaning. Often we delude ourselves into believing that personal achievements will give us 'meaning' only to discover that even a huge amount of success, money and fame fail to give us what we are looking for.

Everyone adds their own meaning to life. The meaning of life is never universal. The meaning of life is never complex. The meaning of life is actually quite simple to think about. Many people help the needy. Others play sports. Both activities add meaning to those lives involved. 

'Meaning' can be found when we do something for the greater good. Some find it in giving back to society, for others it can be being there for their family, friends, community or country. It gives us a sense of belonging, a sense of connection. When we know we are contributing to something bigger, and if we are in awe of it, then the mundane problems become less important and we can deal with personal disappointments much better.

Purposes change, but the overall meaning of life will always stay the same. 

Monday 4 May 2015

Stay Happy!

It is not at all necessary that we always stay happy.
Just as a car can go off track if the driver is not attentive and wouldn't be able to bring itself back on track even on a straight road, our mind too can go off track and create complicated, depressing thought patterns. The trick to happiness is to be constantly aware of our thought process to keep realigning ourselves to the road of happiness.
As a saying goes--- happiness is not a destination or something to achieve, it is a path to be. Happiness doesn't mean there is no sadness, disappointment, hurt or pain, rather it is a more wholesome state where despite our negative experiences we are more centered and at peace.
If we have a positive image of ourselves which says we are lovable and okay as we are, we can be happy and joyful on our own. A healthy relationship with the self is a key factor in staying happy.

"Relationship with the Self"

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship of your life.How we value ourselves largely determines how we value life in general. We tend to depend on external situations, events and others to define us, or to give us value. Like, a girl's criterion for valuing herself was based on how much she was needed by her partner. If a new situation or an event makes one believe  that one has no significance or is not needed anymore, it can trigger personal insecurities and emotional stress. Learning to value ourselves irrespective of the situation is a very important skill to stay happy.

We often have a one-line script running in our head, based on the conclusions we have drawn from our experiences. These scripts are grossly generalized and often they have a prophetic undertone--- 'nobody loves me and nobody will love me again', 'everybody who i am close to will leave me and go away', 'people use me and always discard me when they are done', 'whenever I try hard to achieve something, it always slips away'.
These scripts, if not changed, become self-fulfilling prophecies. Unconsciously, we end up following these one-liners even when we are trying to prove them wrong. So, the person becomes possessive and clingy, eventually leading to the script being reinforced.
If we have a positive image of ourselves which says we are, we can be happy and joyful on your own. We become less dependent on situations or others to validate us. Need for external validation comes from our inability to validate ourselves. A healthy relationship with the self is a key factor in staying happy. You're probably well-aware of the fact that creating a good relationship with yourself doesn't always come easily. But don't give up. When it's difficult, remind yourself of how important it is, of how important you are. The more you can improve your relationship with yourself, the more you can improve your relationship with others. 

The relationships in our lives are intricately woven together, each of them tied to one very important element: you. So don't neglect that vital relationship with yourself. After all, it's the one relationship you've had and will continue to have for the rest of your life.

Friday 21 November 2014

"Don't Fall For Guilt-Laden Traps"

Making others feel guilty is a serious hobby for some people. So better stop feeling guilty for everything. You don't need to feel sorry about everything. So i have listed somethings that you shouldn't feel guilty about:

Feeling moody: Maybe you like being alone or maybe you are going through some stuff. Maybe you have control over your own shits unlike others. You don't have to be at your sunny best every day and for everybody.
Food Choices: There's no better way of saying this, but people who make you feel bad about the amount of food or dessert you consume are not worth hanging out with. If you enjoy eating them then that’s all that matters for you. You shouldn’t let feelings of guilt drive what you eat.
Compliment yourself: Yes, you love yourself and what's wrong with that ? If you don't compliment yourself, who will ? So make sure to compliment yourself everyday. The smallest of compliments can change the mood of an entire day.
Your flaws:So what if you’ve got a crooked nose or big ears. They’re what make you a unique person, without those hings you wouldn't be you. So stop being unhappy with yourself , you are perfect. Be confident with who are.
Being single: Yes you're SINGLE because you don't need significant other to be happy. You are alone, not necessarily lonely. Maybe You're single out of choice, not because no one wants you.
Being in relationship: No, this is not a crime. If you want to be with someone, you can. It's your life. So, if anyone comments on it, just ignore because sometimes you learn great things from a good relationship.
Missing a friend's birthday: We are not computers and it's okay to miss birthdays. So, if you forget to wish a friend or attend their party, do not beat yourself up about it. No harm done. As long as you make up for it later.
Staying inside on a beautiful day: Turn a deaf ear to those who give you hell about sitting on the couch all day long, watching a marathon of your favorite TV shows or reading a book.
Being Lazy: Yes, we are lazy at times. So what ? "Laziness is the mother of  all bad habits but ultimately she's a mother and we  should respect her". So the state of my room is not an invitation for you to rant about my bleak future.
Spending money on things you like: "Money can't buy love but it can buy stuffs and I love stuffs"And it can buy happiness too. There, we said it ! Yes, you'll probably need to scrimp for the next two weeks (or two years, depending on what you splurged on), but if the big buy gives you joy, go for it.
Career Goals: "Set your career goals high and don't stop until you get there", so don’t judge your career goals on what other folks say, and don’t change them out of a sense of guilt. Do your own research, and pick whatever feels right to you.
Sleeping long: "Sleep is the best meditation"Sleep is a bliss. It makes us happy and stress free. So never underestimate the power of a good nap.
Blocking someone on FB or WhatsApp: We get the pest control to remove bugs from our house, so why not from our lives ? It's as simple as that. No explanations required.